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Mozquitoo: Why Do Men Break Up with Women?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why Do Men Break Up with Women?

Ask a man why he dumped the girl he was dating, and he will come up with plenty of reasons. ‘I was Bored’, ‘she is not the one for me’, ‘I didn’t want to cheat on her’, ‘she called me baby, and gave me pet names!’….and several others. What makes men end a relationship for such reasons? Why do men get bored in relationships?

In a Short Term Relationship….

#Reason 1: He thinks you are not the right girl

There might have been an initial attraction, but after some time he might have realized that you are not the kind of girl he would want as his girlfriend/wife. He would never want to stay in the relationship just for the sake of it, so he decides to break up.

#Reason 2: He is a casanova

Casanovas always want spice and adventure in life, and breakup is a custom for them. May be you didn’t realize that he was one, and were expecting the relationship to work.

#Reason 3: He fears Involvement

This can be the reason to why men break up with women they love. Men love their freedom and individuality and fear it would be lost when in a relationship. In this case, he broke up because he didn’t want to get involved with you, and make it difficult for him to break up later.

#Reason 4: There is no compatibility

He didn’t enjoy the night with you, and there was no compatibility. Lack of sexual compatibility is also the reason for men breaking up with women.

#Reason 5: His ‘ex’ returns

The boy was just dumb. He realized it late that he had someone else in mind and was just pushing the relationship with you, for the sake of it. His first love must have made an unexpected arrival, and then obviously he would go for her. Breakup is imperative.

In a Committed Relationship…

#Reason 1: He is tired of the fights

The relationship is not working the way he had expected it to work. Though there was an initial magic in the relation, it has now faded. The constant fights must have bothered him and led him to the decision to end the relationship.

#Reason 2: He shows his true colors

The boy was just fooling you around and pretending to be someone nice. But he had worn a mask. Though he seemed committed to you, and had made promises, it was just for some vested interest, which was served and so he broke up.

#Reason 3: He is bored

The relationship is troubling him, he is bored. He hates your possessive nature, which restricts him from even looking at girls. Some other girls are now interesting him, he is cheating on you and will eventually break up.

#Reason 4: You are at fault

Your flirtatious behavior might have bothered him. There could have been a communication gap between the two of you. You must not have been able to ‘connect’ with him, and adjust with his nature. You might not have been able to accept him the way he is… and something like that could have led him to break up with you.

#Reason 5: It is an open relationship

Though there is ‘some’ commitment involved in an open relationship, both parties are also free to break up if things don’t seem to work. Once you had accepted it as an ‘open’ relationship, you should have also been ready to accept a break up. Now, you cannot call it his fault; it’s just that the relationship mustn’t have seemed to last long, which is why he decided to part ways.


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